
ammonium salt Learn more about ammonium salt

  • What is glyphosate aqueous agent? Please introduce

    What is glyphosate aqueous agent? Please introduce

    What is glyphosate aqueous agent? Please introduce the various forms and dosage forms of glyphosate sold in the market, such as glyphosate isopropylamine salt, glyphosate ammonium salt and glyphosate, among which 10% glyphosate aqueous agent and 41% glyphosate isopropylamine salt account for the vast majority. In accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued No. 1158.

  • Application method of ammonium glyphosate

    Application method of ammonium glyphosate

    Glyphosate ammonium salt is a kind of herbicide, which can control annual and perennial Gramineae weeds, Cyperaceae and broad-leaved weeds. The following is to introduce the use of glyphosate ammonium salt. First, grass

    2020-11-09 Glyphosate phosphine ammonium salt usage glyphosate yes
  • How to fertilize succulents How to raise succulents

    How to fertilize succulents How to raise succulents

    A lot of friends ask, how to fertilize succulent plants? How to mix soil when changing pots. Succulent plants themselves don't need much fertilizer. So if you want to fertilize, what should you do? The following summary is useful to everyone: 1. Potassium fertilizer is very important.

  • How to fertilize succulent plants the method of cutting propagation of succulent plants

    How to fertilize succulent plants the method of cutting propagation of succulent plants

    Many friends asked, how to fertilize succulent plants? How to match the soil when changing the basin. In fact, succulent plants themselves do not need much fertilizer. So if you want to apply fertilizer, what should be done? the following summary is hoped to be useful to everyone: 1. Potash fertilizer is very important.

  • Hot (sweet) pepper and salt disorders

    Hot (sweet) pepper and salt disorders

    The main symptoms are that salt disturbance is easy to occur in saline-alkali areas or protected areas after many years of cultivation, which leads to poor growth and reduced yield of hot pepper. Yellow to brown round or oval necrotic spots appear on the leaves. The cause of the disease is that the soil salt concentration is too high, which makes the water and nutrients in the roots permeate outward, and the aboveground growth stops growing because there is no water and nutrients; too much fertilizer is applied, which is difficult to leach, and organic fertilizers containing much livestock and poultry manure are applied. The use of ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and so on will lead to the increase of soil concentration.

  • What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers?

    What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers?

    What is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer? What are the ammonium nitrogen fertilizers? What are the properties? Please also know the netizens to help introduce that ammonium nitrogen fertilizer is an elemental nitrogen fertilizer in the form of ammonium salt, and the more common ones are ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride. The farming network has sorted out the properties of the above three kinds of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, which are listed in detail below.

  • Can chemical fertilizers and pesticides be mixed? I can't understand this problem all the time, but I finally got it this time!

    Can chemical fertilizers and pesticides be mixed? I can't understand this problem all the time, but I finally got it this time!

    Many peasant friends often ask that in agricultural production, sometimes they want to mix pesticides and fertilizers together and apply them, but they do not know whether the mixture will affect the effect.

  • Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    In sandy soil, all phosphate fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, half of nitrogen fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and the other half should be topdressing by stages in the process of growth and development, and then the amount of water should not be too large to avoid fertilizer leakage after flood irrigation. In clayey soil, under the condition of water irrigation, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer of 2 to 3 can be used as base fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer of 1 to 3 can be applied by stages, and none.

  • How to apply fertilizer efficiently

    How to apply fertilizer efficiently

    How to apply fertilizer efficiently

  • Complete formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    Complete formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    Complete formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

  • The latest formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    The latest formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    Nutrient solution is the key to soilless cultivation. Different crops require different nutrient solution formulations. At present, many formulations have been published in the world, but they are more or less the same, because the original formula is derived from the chemical composition analysis of soil extract.

    2020-11-10 The latest soilless cultivation nutrient solution formula Daquan is
  • We should pay attention to fertilizing vegetables in greenhouse.

    We should pay attention to fertilizing vegetables in greenhouse.

    We should pay attention to fertilizing vegetables in greenhouse.

  • Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method

    Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method

    Ammonium bicarbonate generally refers to ammonium bicarbonate, is a white compound, granular, plate or columnar crystal, ammonia odor. Some friends may wonder what the ammonium bicarbonate weeding method is. The following editor will answer for you. Ammonium bicarbonate is a common method of weeding.

    2020-11-09 Ammonium bicarbonate weeding method ammonium bicarbonate generally is
  • What are the uses of ammonium chloride?

    What are the uses of ammonium chloride?

    What are the uses of ammonium chloride? How to apply ammonium chloride well? Ammonium chloride belongs to and acidic fertilizer, nitrogen content is about 25%, the appearance of white or light yellow fine crystals or small particles, hygroscopicity is small, easy to dissolve in water, crops easy to absorb and other characteristics, can be used in farming.

  • Types and Application methods of nitrogen Fertilizer

    Types and Application methods of nitrogen Fertilizer

    The main nitrogen fertilizers commonly used in fruit tree production are urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride and long-acting urea. Urea is acyl nitrogen fertilizer with a nitrogen content of 46%. It can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and extra-root topdressing. Ammonium bicarbonate is an ammonium nitrogen fertilizer with a nitrogen content of 16.5%-16.8%, which can be used as base fertilizer.

  • What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables

    What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables

    What are the taboos of fertilizing vegetables

  • What is the iron source in soilless cultivation?

    What is the iron source in soilless cultivation?

    The combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer is organic fertilizer, which has complete nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effect; chemical fertilizer is inorganic fertilizer, which has single nutrients, high content and quick effect. The fertilizer efficiency can be greatly improved by the combined application of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Such as human and animal feces and ammonium chloride, calcium superphosphate, chlorination.

  • Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

    Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

    Application fields and matters needing attention of ammonium bicarbonate

  • What if the cabbage gets Sclerotinia sclerotiorum?

    What if the cabbage gets Sclerotinia sclerotiorum?

    Answer: low temperature and low light in early spring are beneficial to the occurrence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. After the plant is susceptible, it first appears waterlogged disease spot, and then turns into white disease spot, which seriously causes plant rot. Prevention and control methods: 1. Agricultural prevention and control. Rinse seeds with 10% salt water or 10% 20% ammonium sulfate before sowing, dry and sow seeds. ...

  • Nitrogen and Cotton Nutrition

    Nitrogen and Cotton Nutrition

    1. Nitrogen in cotton: the average content of nitrogen in plants accounts for about 1.5% of the dry weight (range 0.3-5.0%). Cotton seeds contain 2.8-3.5% nitrogen, fiber 0.28-0.33%, and stems 1.2-1.8%, which are crops with high nitrogen content. According to the experiment, lint yield per mu is 62.7 to 94.7 kg, nitrogen accumulation from emergence to budding stage accounts for about 4.5%, from budding to flowering stage accounts for 27.8% and 30.4%, and from flowering to boll opening stage accounts for 59.8%.
